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  • Media and social bond in Morocco between the global and the local

The strategic importance of communication in our societies is one of the salient features of the acceleration of the globalization process. The media have become the vectors of new cultural patterns and political development and weigh in setting up a new social link, a new global dimension to citizenship.

To understand the implications of the impact of media, including the Internet, on social bond of Morocco, the IRES organized on april 4, 2011 a second study day on the theme "Media and social bond in Morocco between global and local". The discussions during this study day focused around the following questions:

What contribution of media in the political and societal changes underway in Morocco?

What contribution of social networks on the Internet in the emergence of a new social bond and what role of young people into this process?

What conclusions can be drawn for the immediate and medium future of sociability and social and political bond in Morocco?

What strategy for Morocco to capitalize on the media revolution and to settle permanently in the information society?



Mot d’introduction de M. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE,
Directeur Général de l’Institut Royal des Etudes Stratégiques
Journée modérée par M. Mohamed Othman BENJELLOUN
Chercheur principal à l’IRES, Coordinateur du Programme d’étude « Lien social au Maroc »

Médias entre Nord et Sud, quel lien social et civilisationnel ?
M. Jamal Eddine NAJI
Professeur à l’Institut Supérieur de l’Information et de la Communication

11h20- 12h00
L’usage d’internet chez les jeunes marocains, quelles implications sur la société ?
Président de la Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle


Conclusions et synthèse
