African migration: What strategies need to be developed for migration governance ?

On the eve of the Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the Global Compact for Migration, the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES), in partnership with the International Organization for Migration, organized a side event on Saturday, 8 December 2018 on the theme "African migration: What strategies need to be developed for migration governance ?”.
The side event aims to deepen the reflection on African migration, raising questions on the strategies that need to be developed by African countries regarding modes for governing migration flows. We need to take into account the impacts of migration flows on development, on the mechanisms to be used in the framework of the Global Compact for migration in order to optimize benefits for Africa, as well as the impact on migration policies to be adopted under a partnership between the African Union and the European Union, and the impacts on the actions that need to be undertaken to involve the African diaspora in the continent’s autonomous development.
The participants in this side event emphasized the need for governance of the complex issue of migration, to integrate this dimension into all national public policies and to set up at the level of African states mechanisms for implementing the Global Compact for Migration. It was also proposed to move towards an equal partnership between the African Union and the European Union.