Communication of the Director General of IRES to the monthly meeting of the Special Commission on the Development Model
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- Communication of the Director General of IRES to the monthly meeting of the Special Commission on the Development Model

At the request of the Chairman of the Special Commission on the Development Model (CSMD), the Director General of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES), Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE, hosted, on January 30, 2020 at the Conference Center of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, a conference attended by all the members of the Commission and devoted to the presentation of the results of the national survey on social ties carried out by IRES in 2016, while comparing them with those from the 2011 edition of the survey.
The conclusions of these two surveys, which made it possible to draw up an update radioscopy of Moroccan society, concerned both the social sphere (how do Moroccans represent the spaces of private life?) As well as the civic sphere (how do Moroccans represent the spaces of public life?).
As regards the social sphere, it relates to the family bond, the bond of friendship, the bond of neighborhood and the professional bond. As for the civic sphere, it concerns the foundations and obstacles to living together, the political bond, interpersonal and institutional trust, corruption, civic engagement and organized activism, the impact of the new Constitution on the living conditions of citizens, identity attachment, the linguistic issue, solidarity, the feeling of security and the media and social networks.
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