IRES takes part in the 29th edition of the international book and publishing fair

As in previous years, the Institute took an active part in the 29th edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair (SIEL), held in Rabat from May 9 to 19, 2024. The IRES stand stood out this year for its innovative, modern, and interactive design. The Institute made use of virtual reality (VR) technologies and set up a VR space within the stand, enabling visitors to discover, via a virtual immersive tour, the quintessence of its flagship publications, particularly the White Paper on the Moroccan Sahara and the strategic report on the future of the ocean. As part of SIEL's cultural program, in addition to the conference on "The evolution of the social bond in Morocco from 2011 to the present day," the Institute organized thematic roundtables led by its in-house and associate researchers, on the following themes:
• The White Paper on the Moroccan Sahara in Arabic and French.
• The Ocean as a global issue and planetary solution.
• Artificial intelligence and foresight.
• The Kingdom's international positioning.
• Industry of the future "X.0".
• Emerging trends and concepts.

Participation de l’IRES à la 29ème édition du Salon International de l’Edition et du Livre