The Future of Moroccan Women by 2050: Future Challenges and Public Policy Orientations

On Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies organized a seminar dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the preliminary findings of its study entitled "The Future of Moroccan Women by 2050: Future Challenges and Public Policy Orientations."
Bringing together a panel of high-ranking representatives from the United Nations System in Morocco, government departments, national institutions, civil society, and experts from various backgrounds, this meeting was an ideal opportunity to review the impact of public policies aimed at improving the status of Moroccan women and to highlight the future challenges to be overcome for their empowerment and fulfillment.
The discussions resulted in several proposals aimed at promoting the full emancipation of Moroccan women and fostering their full participation in the Kingdom's development dynamic.

L’avenir de la femme marocaine à l’horizon 2050

Mme Marielle Sander, Représentante du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population (UNFPA) au Maroc

Mme Maryam BIGDALI, Représentante de l'OMS au Maroc

Mme Bissane KHAIRAT, Marketing and Program Director - SNRT

Mme Ouafa HAJJI, Spécialisée dans le genre, le développement territorial et la communication.

Mme Myriem Ouchen Noussairi, Cheffe de Bureau ONU Femmes Maroc