The presentation and discussion of the book entitled "Retour de la guerre" by Mr. François HEISBOURG
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- The presentation and discussion of the book entitled "Retour de la guerre" by Mr. François HEISBOURG

The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) organized on Thursday, April 14, 2022, a videoconference devoted to the presentation and discussion of the book entitled "Retour de la guerre" by Mr. François HEISBOURG.
Led by a panel of national and international experts, the debate addressed the multiple facets of conflict that characterizes the world today, including the Covid-19 pandemic that has exacerbated tensions among great powers, reinforced barriers that inhibit free movement of persons and left in its wake a divided and polarized world.
The debates focused also on the major issues that weigh on the future of humanity, in light of the irreversible impacts of climate change on Man and Nature and the multiplication of cybernetic risks